Rise And Shine! Creating A Successful Morning Routine

The best mornings start the night before with a proper wind-down routine. Our bodies need good, quality sleep, and seven to nine hours is ideal. One hour before bed, turn off those electronics and cut down on that blue light. Technology stimulates the mind and can make it harder to fall asleep.

Here are some tips:

Plan! To keep your brain from running through your to-do list, make your list the prior evening. Then you can relax knowing that your schedule is already done. Use the morning, instead, to breathe and center yourself for the day. 

Hydrate! Most people go straight for the coffee maker, but after sleeping and going without water for hours we need hydration. Grab a glass of H2O first, which will aid digestion and stimulate your metabolism. 

Take in some sunlight and get that natural Vitamin D. Being outside in the sun and looking at it without glasses or contacts will alert your brain that it’s time to wake up. We are biologically wired to sync up with the sun. Sunlight helps your body fight fatigue and boosts mental health, so catch those morning rays! 

Practice gratitude. Look around you. Take in your space and think about all the things and people in your life for which you’re grateful. An attitude of gratitude can be life-changing. Every day, I take five minutes before I get out of bed to think of ten things in my life for which I’m thankful. 

Get moving. Do some stretches or a few yoga poses. Take a short walk. Dance around your living room. Play with your pet if you have one. This will boost your energy and burn a few calories. 

Eat breakfast. When you wake up, your blood sugar is usually low, and breakfast helps replenish this. Get some vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods. Proteins, grains, and fruit are solid choices. This will help you skip the craving for higher-calorie snacks before lunch and fuel your empty tank. 

Set your intention. Think about what you want to accomplish and the type of day you want to have. Do you want to feel productive? Happy? Excited? Competent? What goals are on your daily list? Having a clear intention will help with your mood and the way your day plays out.

Let me know in the comments if you try some of these or have your own positive rituals.

Now go have a fantastic day!


A Budding Author In The Burbs


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